This timely and surprisingly empowering book brings a voice to children across the world. At an age where routine and structure is vital for development, they are given little of either. But this isn’t just a story about a virus. This lesson is one about perseverance and perspective. It empowers children to take control of their responses to challenges in life. Today, it’s a virus. Maybe tomorrow it will be a layoff. But the grit, when taken to heart, will serve them well in every stage of life. — Woodpecker Books
Grow Through It is a timely and helpful picture book to share with little readers during these trying, confusing times… With relatable, deft storytelling; fun, colorful illustrations; and a much needed message, Grow Through It is an excellent resource to help young readers process and handle this pandemic. — Word Spelunking Blog
Our 4 boys loved your book. It brought peace to my mama heart too. After 4 long back to back 14 hour shifts, this book came in at the perfect time so we read it before bed. — Hard Working Mom
If adults can use these ideas during tough times, maybe kids can too. No school, no friends, and watching the world worry is sure to make a profound impact. So what if we could help kids foster a more intentional life during this time? That could serve them for their whole lives, and maybe we can help each other GROW THROUGH IT. — Tales of a Wanna-Be SuperHero Mom
It not all rainbows and sunshine Ellen does not wake up everyday wanting to Grow she struggles day to day just Getting through as well. She recognizes how just Getting through effect her attitude and how she feels and how much better she feels when she chooses to Grow instead. I think this is the perfect book to help your child understand that this is temporary and how to make the best of the situation instead of focusing on what isn’t fair or what she/he might be missing out on. You can pick up this great book with delightful pictures and heartfelt story on amazon today. — J.R.’s Book Reviews
This book provides an uplifting and positive message and also offers plenty of ideas that readers can act upon immediately — The Children’s Book Review
This book speaks to the disappointments children are experiencing. Ellen’s mother provides a good example as to how parents may assist their children cope with this crisis. I would highly recommend it for elementary school age readers. — Barbara Ann Mojica
Jay and the illustrators did a wonderful job of showing typical actions and feelings, and stressing that Ellen didn't always remember to "grow through it." That realism makes "growing through it" something anyone reading the story can try. — The Fairfield Review
This book is a great reminder to make the most of difficult circumstances. The adults’ responses in children’s lives play a crucial role in how kids will respond to circumstances. — Heart to Heart
Besides delivering empowering messages to kids and parents alike, the book also pays tribute to all the frontliners who are working fearlessly for the good of us as a whole. Grow Through It is no doubt the perfect inspiring read for this special time and for any difficult situation that we may need to stand up to in the future! — Ice Fairy’s Treasure Chest
Grow Through It! is a fun way to help kids try to understand what's happening in the world right now with the pandemic! — A Dream Within A Dream
The new children's book, Grow Through It! reminds readers how important it is to start each day with purpose and gratitude. Instead of just getting through the day, we are going to grow through it and come out stronger on the other side. I love that message for both children and adults. — Confessions of a Book Addict
Having 3 young children home with me full time, since March, has been a struggle. Not just for me, but them too. They miss school, their friends, playing with friends and being wild and free. Reading this story with them really helped them to understand that no matter what, we will get through it and we will grow from it. — Younger Family Fun